Rajasthan witnesses solar bids spiraling down to Rs 4.34 a unit

In the bidding for solar projects totalling 420 MW in Rajasthan under the National Solar Mission, the winning bid touched a new low of Rs 4.34 per unit, entered by Finnish solar power company Fortum Energy for a 70 Mw project. However, lowering of benchmark tariff by the central government did not go too well in Maharashtra which saw subdued interest from the companies participating in bidding for 500 MW in the state
Rajasthan saw a spurt of foreign companies lining up for solar projects. American company Rising Sun Energy quoted Rs 4.35 per unit for two projects with total capacity of 140 MW. African major SolaireDirect has quoted same tariff for same capacity projects. Among the domestic ones, India Bulls through its subsidiary Yarrow Infra won 70 MW by quoting Rs 4.36 per unit. Read Articles


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